Straico's Generative AI Models

Your Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to the Straico AI Model Resource Center — your definitive encyclopedia for navigating our diverse array of generative AI models. Whether you’re spearheading startup ventures, orchestrating powerful marketing narratives, or simply indulging your curiosity in AI, this center equips you with the knowledge to choose the ideal AI tools tailored to your aspirations.

Compare AI Models at a Glance

Our AI Comparison Table presents a straightforward view of key attributes for each model, emphasizing cost, capabilities, and more, to swiftly guide your selection.

Model NameEditor's ChoiceMax Words (approx)Coins 🪙 per 100 WordsTypeFeaturesCapabilities
OpenAI: GPT-4o👑96.0004Proprietary📃Text🌐Web browsing
Anthropic: Claude 3 .5 Sonnet👑150.0005Proprietary📃Text-
Gryphe: MythoMax L2 👑6,0001Open Source📃Text-
Google: Gemini Pro 1.5👑750.0003Proprietary📃Text-
OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo 128K -96,0008Proprietary📃Text🌐Web browsing
OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo 128k - New (April 9)-96.0008Proprietary📃Text🌐Web browsing
Mistral: Mixtral 8x7B Instruct-24,5761Open Source📃Text-
Anthropic: Claude 3 Opus-150,00024Proprietary📃Text-
Anthropic: Claude 3 Sonnet-150,0005Proprietary📃Text-
Anthropic: Claude 3 Haiku-150,0001
OpenAI: GPT-4o mini-96.0000.4Proprietary📃Text🌐Web browsing
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo 16K-12,0000Propietary📃Text🌐Web browsing
OpenAI: GPT-4-6,00020Proprietary📃Text🌐Web browsing
OpenAI: GPT-4 Vision-96,0008Proprietary📃Text
Cohere: Command R+-96.0004Proprietary📃Text-
Dolphin 2.6 Mixtral 8x7B-24,0001Open Source📃Text-
Meta : Llama 3 8B Instruct-6,0000.5Proprietary📃Text-
Meta : Llama 3 70B Instruct nitro-6,0001Proprietary📃Text-
Mistral: Large-24.0008Open Source📃Text-
Goliath 120B-4,6085Open Source📃Text-
Perplexity:Llama 3 Sonar 70B Online-21.0001Proprietary📃Text-
Perplexity:Llama 3 Sonar 8B Online-9.0001Proprietary📃Text-
Qwen 2 72B Instruct-34.5760.5Open Source📃Text-

* Models marked with a 👑 are our Editor’s Choices, selected for their proven effectiveness in practical use on Straico.

Explore Editor’s Choice LLMs

Browse our Editor’s Choice tabs, a collection born from our team’s extensive efforts to evaluate AI models through empirical use rather than technical specifications. Here, discover the practical merits and constraints each selected model offers. We also provide links to shared chats and prompt templates, allowing you to experience and test their effectiveness firsthand on the Straico platform.

OpenAI: GPT-4 Family

The GPT-4 family, especially its noteworthy member, GPT-4o, represents the latest generational leap in OpenAI‘s development of Generative Pre-trained Transformers. GPT-4 continues the tradition of text-based large language models (LLMs), while GPT-4o expands capabilities to include large multimodal models (LMMs), capable of understanding and generating content across text, images, and other inputs.


  • Enhanced Context Understanding: GPT-4 exhibits a significantly improved ability to understand and generate human-like text across vast contexts, pushing the boundaries further in AI communication.
  • Increased Efficiency: Compared to its predecessors, GPT-4 and especially GPT-4o show efficiency gains in processing and generating content, attributed to their advanced training and model architecture.


  • Complexity and Resources: The advanced capabilities of GPT-4 and GPT-4o come with the cost of increased computational resources for training and operation.

Anthropic: Claude 3 Family

The Claude 3 model family, spearheaded by Anthropic, encompasses a pioneering suite of large language models (LLMs) released in March 2024. Among its distinguished members, Claude 3.5 Sonnet stands out as the editor’s choice for its remarkable capabilities in processing and understanding natural language, demonstrating unprecedented competence in managing up to 1 million tokens for specialized applications.


  • Superior Cognitive Abilities: Claude 3.5 Sonnet leads the pack with its advanced cognitive performance, excelling in complex reasoning, creative content generation, and nuanced analytical tasks.
  • Extended Contextual Understanding: Offers the ability to handle extensive context lengths, enriching conversations and analyses.


  • Higher Resource Usage: The model’s sophisticated capabilities may necessitate substantial computing resources.

Gryphe: Mythomax L2 13B 8K (beta)

Mythomax L2 13B 8K is an open source large language model (LLM) created by Gryphe, that specializes in storytelling and advanced roleplaying. It is built on the foundation of the Llama 2 architecture and is a part of the Mytho family of Llama-based models, which also includes MythoLogic and MythoMix. The MythoMax L2 13B variant is an optimized version of MythoMix, incorporating a more comprehensive tensor merger strategy that increases coherency and performance.


Roleplaying, storytelling, uncensored, low-priced.


Not suitable for extremely large contexts, not always enough detailed answers.

Chat examples:

Simulating seller-customer interaction

Invent a story

Prompt templates examples:

Sell to me!

The Therapist

Mistral: Mixtral 8x7B

Mistral: Mixtral 8x7B is an open source language model (LLM) developed by Mistral AI

According to the creators, Mixtral 8x7B outperforms other well-known LLMs such as Llama 2 70B and GPT-3.5 in several benchmarks, making it one of the most powerful open-source models available.

Mixtral 8x7B has been praised for its cost-effectiveness and creative text formats for storytelling and roleplaying.


Storytelling, role playing, suitable for long contexts.



Chat examples:

Famous character roleplaying
Simulating a job interview

Prompt templates examples:

Interview a celebrity
Be interviewed for a job!

Perplexity: Sonar 8x7B Online

Perplexity: Sonar 8x7B Online is a propiertary large language model (LLM) developed by Perplexity AI, which provides real-time access to the internet and up-to-date information


Up-to-date information, detailed answers to short prompts.


Not always suitable for very large contexts.

Chat examples:

Up-to-date calls
Consultancy online

Prompt templates examples:

Business Consultant to Start Your Company
Chasing Calls from Accelerators and VC

Understanding Costs and Interactions

What does 'Max Words' refer to in an AI interaction?

‘Max Words’ refers to the maximum number of words that can be processed by an AI model in a single interaction. This limit includes all chat input, chat output, and the content from any attachments used during the interaction.

How is the cost calculated for text interactions in terms of coins?

The total cost for an interaction in coins is determined by the combined word count of the chat input, chat output, and any included attachment content. The ‘Coins 🪙 per 100 words’ rate specific to the selected AI model will apply.

What is considered when calculating the total word count for an interaction with attachments?

When attachments are used, the total word count includes all text from the attachments—whether files or URLs —along with the whole conversation in the chat thus far, plus the new message and AI’s anticipated response.

Which types of attachments can be included, and how do they factor into the word count?

Various attachment types such as .docx, .txt, .pptx, .xlsx, .pdf files, YouTube video URLs, and web pages can be included. Each contributes to the overall word count that the AI model processes, which in turn affects coin cost.

Are there cost-effective strategies for engaging with AI models on Straico?

Yes, there are several strategies for cost-effective interactions. Starting new chat sessions can reduce word count by clearing previous context. For those seeking value, Straico provides models like Gemini Pro in the proprietary realm and Mixtral 8x7B in the open-source domain, both at an economical rate of 1 coin per 100 words. 💎

Furthermore, Straico offers GPT 3.5 Turbo, which remains free of charge, allowing unlimited interactions without impacting your coin balance.

What are the estimated costs for images based on size?

Certainly! Pricing for image generation on Straico varies depending on the size of the image and the AI model chosen. When generating images with DALL·E 3 via our chat assistant, the coin cost is approximately 210 for high-resolution images of 2048×2048 pixels, and around 20 coins for smaller, 512×512 pixel images.

For those opting to use Stable Diffusion in our dedicated image generation section, we offer straightforward pricing—regardless of the image size, each creation is just 20 coins.

With both models delivering impeccable quality, you can choose the best option that matches your requirements and budget.

Can you explain what 'image input capability' and 'real-time capabilities' signify in relation to the AI models on Straico?

‘Image input capability’ refers to the ability of an AI model to accept and interpret visual information. For instance, with our GPT-4 Vision model, you can upload an image directly into the chat assistant and ask queries about its content, just as readily as if you were discussing text. This means the model can analyze the image and engage in a detailed dialogue about what it depicts.

‘Real-time capabilities’ denote the model’s prowess in leveraging the latest information available up until the moment of interaction. This is exemplified by our Perplexity 70B online (PPLX 70B), which can pull in the most recent data to enrich its responses, ensuring you’re receiving the most up-to-date content possible. This feature is invaluable for tasks requiring current knowledge and insights.

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We are offering a never-seen-before Lifetime license…

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  • 160,000 monthly coins
  • 1 year coin rollover
  • 4X the monthly allowance of Tier 3

Leverage the opportunity of grabbing your DIAMOND TIER 5 for only $199!

HURRY! Only 14 licenses left!

Congratulations on your upgrade! 👏

One last thing... we are offering a never-seen-before Lifetime license...

💎 Diamond Pack 💎

  • 160,000 monthly coins
  • 1 year coin rollover
  • 4X the monthly allowance of Tier 3

Leverage the opportunity of grabbing your DIAMOND TIER 5 for an additional +$200

HURRY! Only 14 licenses left!

Congratulations on your upgrade! 👏

One last thing... we are offering a never-seen-before Lifetime license...

💎 Diamond Pack 💎

  • 160,000 monthly coins
  • 1 year coin rollover
  • 4X the monthly allowance of Tier 3

Leverage the opportunity of grabbing your DIAMOND TIER 5 for an additional +$200

HURRY! Only 14 licenses left!

Congratulations on your upgrade! 👏

One last thing... we are offering a never-seen-before Lifetime license...

💎 Diamond Pack 💎

  • 160,000 monthly coins
  • 1 year coin rollover
  • 4X the monthly allowance of Tier 3

Leverage the opportunity of grabbing your DIAMOND TIER 5 for an additional +$200

HURRY! Only 14 licenses left!

Congratulations on your purchase! 👏

One last thing... we are offering a never-seen-before Lifetime license...

💎 Diamond Pack 💎

  • 160,000 monthly coins
  • 1 year coin rollover
  • 4X the monthly allowance of Tier 3

Leverage the opportunity of grabbing your DIAMOND TIER 5 for an additional +$200

HURRY! Only 14 licenses left!